Category: PhpSpreadsheet
Create Xlsx Files With Selected Cell Security Settings
Lock specific cells and forbid it’s data to be updated, choose important cells and protect them by coding selected cells when creating xlsx file in PhpSpreadsheet, preserving it’s value and avoiding any unnecessary or accidental updates. Note: This will NOT prevent the document from opening, it will only hold back the data from being updated. […]
Create Xlsx Files With Worksheet Security Settings
Aside from the Document Security Settings, there is another similar security option the can be applied on a worksheet level. This can provide the option to allow sorting, inserting rows, and formatting cells, to name a few. One major difference between the Document Security Settings and this Worksheet Security Settings is, the option to add […]
Create Xlsx Files with Document Security Settings
Disallow the possibility of updating the data of an entire spreadsheet document, code this with PhpSpreadsheet and create a new xlsx file. The following options will be deactivated, ‘Text Filters’, ‘Data Sorting’, ‘Clear Contents’, ‘Delete Colum’, ‘Find and Replace’, ‘Text Formulas’, ‘Logical Formulas’, ‘Math Formulas’, and other data-editing options. The option to add a ‘New […]
Create Xlsx Files With Auto Filter Settings
Whenever there is a need to group column values or to reorder column contents of a worksheet, or even search a specific column data, coding with the setAutoFilter() function in PhpSpreadsheet comes in handy when creating an xlsx file in Php. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: […]
Create Xlsx Files With Cell Comments
Code a remark to describe the contents of a cell when creating an xlsx file using PhpSpreadsheet. Certain font style formats can also be set, this includes the font weight, font color, and font style. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. […]
Create Xlsx Files With Cell Conditional Formatting Settings
Create an xlsx file using PhpSpreadsheet with different cell conditional settings, for instance, coding an arrangement on a cell to check if a value is less than, equal to, or greater than a certain amount, then setting a specific cell style format for each conditions made to quickly identify one from another. The following tutorials […]
Create Xlsx Files With Cell Border Styles
Establish boundaries on an a certain area of a spreadsheet when creating an xlsx file in PhpSpreadsheet. Surround a cell or a range of cells without difficulty, set a thick or thin borderline at the top, bottom, left, or right side of a cell/s, also a diagonal line is possible. Just for a little nicer […]
Create Excel Files With Default Style Settings In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet
Preselect different default styles of a spreadsheet when creating an xlsx file, set font to ‘Arial’, or ‘Verdana’, or any available font, change font size to a bigger or a smaller one, make the font bold, italic, or underlined. All these settings are attainable when coding with PhpSpreadsheet. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step […]
Create Excel Files With Text Wrap Settings In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet
Fit all data in it’s specific cell to display all cell information without overflowing to the other cell boundaries by making use of the function setWrapText() when coding to create an xlsx file in PhpSpreadsheet. Doing this will auto adjust the row height depending on the cell contents, thus, avoiding any confusion reading any cell […]