Google Sheets API PHP Client

  • Count Google SpreadSheets Cells With Text In PHP Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Count Google SpreadSheets Cells With Text In PHP Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Learn how to count Google SpreadSheets cells with text in PHP using Google Sheets API PHP Client. Using the REST Resource spreadsheets.values with method update you can specifically set the COUNTA formula that will count cells with text in Google SpreadSheets. The COUNTA formula will return the number of values in a dataset. This article…

  • Duplicate Google Sheets Sheet Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Duplicate Google Sheets Sheet Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Using the method spreadsheets.batchUpdate with request DuplicateSheetRequest you can quickly duplicate a Google Sheets sheet. The source sheet ID is required, other parameters are optional and will be automatically generated if not set. For the spreadsheet resource sample that we will be using for this tutorial, the result of the tutorial Update Google Sheets Cells…

  • Update Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Update Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Update specific google sheets cells using the method spreadsheets.batchUpdate with request UpdateCellsRequest. Simply choose a precise cell position and update the value inside it. We will be using the result of the tutorial Unmerge Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client for this example. The goal of this tutorial is to update the…

  • Unmerge Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Unmerge Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Separate all cells in the given range by selecting merged rows and columns using the method spreadsheets.batchUpdate with request UnmergeCellsRequest. This will unmerge cells of Google Spreadsheets using Google Sheets API PHP Client. This is a follow up and the result of the tutorial Merge Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client will…

  • Merge Google Sheets Cells Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Merge cells of Google Spreadsheets using the method spreadsheets.batchUpdate with request MergeCellsRequest. Select your desired rows and columns and combine all cells in the given range. One of the several prerequisites (others listed below) is we will be using the created Google Spreadsheet on our tutotial Create A Blank SpreadSheet Using Google Sheets API PHP…

  • Change Google Sheets Border Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    With the use of the method spreadsheets.batchUpdate together with the request UpdateBordersRequest , Google Sheets Spreadsheet borders can be changed. Different styles can be set like DOTTED, DASHED, SOLID, SOLID_MEDIUM, SOLID_THICK, DOUBLE. And if the border needs to be removed, just set the style to NONE. In this tutorial, the sample spreadsheet that we will…

  • Write Google Sheets Data To A Multiple Range Horizontally Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Write data horizontally on multiple ranges on a Google Sheet Spreadsheet through Google Sheets API PHP Client using a spreadsheets.values.batchUpdate request. Use this method to situate your data to numerous specific column-row combination side by side starting from the left all at the same time in a single loop. Be sure to arrange your ranges…

  • Write Google Sheets Data To A Single Range Horizontally Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Very similar with the Create A “Hello World” SpreadSheet Using Google Sheets API PHP Client tutorial that was previously published, we will be attempting to further demonstrate the ability of the Google Sheets API and its PHP Client Library to write to a single range of a given Google Sheet. This article will focus on…

  • Change Google Spreadsheet Title Using Google Sheets API PHP Client

    Rename Google Spreadsheets using the method spreadsheets.batchUpdate with request UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest by assigning a new value to it’s title property. Having a clearly defined Google Spreadsheet title will help identify your speadsheets more quickly, thus leaving them more organized and easier to manage. Several prerequisites are listed below, and one of them is we will be…