Category: PhpSpreadsheet
Create Xlsx Files With Auto Column Width Settings
Code an xlsx file in PhpSpreadsheet to automatically adjust a column width based on the maximum number of characters from a cell within the given column. Once the xlsx file is created, the cell will automatically fit it’s value, this is similar to manually setting the column width with the function ‘Auto Fit Column Width’. […]
Create Xlsx Files With Column Width Settings
Adjust a selected column width when creating an xlsx file using PhpSpreadsheet, estimate the maximum number of characters from a given column and code the value of it’s width to fit the data on it’s designated cell. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json […]
Create Xlsx Files With Date Not In Range Data Validation
Code the opposite logic of the “Date range data validation“, forbid a user input from a data within a date range, only outside values from a given date range will be accepted. This is another trouble-free way of creating an xlsx file with data validation using PhpSpreadsheet. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. […]
Create Xlsx Files With Drop Down List Data Validation
Code to write down selections where users can pick an option from, not allowing any data not within the itemize selection to be inputed in a particular cell. This kind of data validation, specifically can be referred as a drop down list validation, can straightforwardly achieve with PhpSpreadsheet when creating an xlsx file. Requirements: Composer […]
Create Xlsx Files With Date Range Data Validation
Create an xlsx file using PhpSpreadsheet and code a data validation requiring a user to input a date value within a certain date range, consequently setting a minimum date limit and maximum date boundary at the same time. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } […]
Create Xlsx Files With Past Date Data Validation
Ensure a user is entering a date in the past by coding a data validation in PhpSpreadsheet when creating an xlsx file. The current date, or any date in the future will be denied the entry, securing the cell will only contain values that are dates in the past. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer […]
Create Xlsx Files With Future Date Data Validation
Using PhpSpreadsheet, restrict user entered values to a future date by coding a data validation on a specific cell which will have settings that will check if a given value is greater than the current date. Add some notes as a reminder to what exact data are only allowed, and also set the error message […]
Create Xlsx Files With Cell Data Validation Settings
Take advantage of one of the powerful feature of an xlsx file, the ‘Data Validation’. This will grant the ability to define an input filter on the data that a user can insert in a particular cell. The filter can be a value that must be between a certain start data and specific end data, […]
Create Xlsx Files Excluding Certain Cells From Protection
Lock all cells from being edited except specified ones when creating an xlsx file. Code with PhpSpreadsheet to choose which cell data can be updated, and protect all the other cells by ‘locking’ them, refraining protected cell contents from any updates. This provides a wider data protection, an opposite of just selecting which cell to […]