
  • Merge Cells In Excel Files In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    Using the generated file from the tutorial Create Xlsx Files With Different Cell Background Colors, learn how to merge cells in PhpSpreadsheet. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Before Cell Merging Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer install command line Step 3. Create […]

  • Create Excel Files With Text Links In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    Write texts with links on a new xlsx file, either an external link to a website, or an internal link within another sheet is possible. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer install command line Step 3. Create […]

  • Create Excel Files With Underlined Texts In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    Underline cell texts on a new xlsx file. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer install command line Step 3. Create a new PHP file, and start coding. <?php // Autoload dependencies require ‘vendor/autoload.php’; // Import the core […]

  • Create Excel Files With Different Cell Font Colors In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    Create an xlsx file and write texts with different cell font colors. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer install command line Step 3. Create a new PHP file, and start coding. <?php // Autoload dependencies require ‘vendor/autoload.php’; […]

  • Read Excel Files Cell Data Only In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    To just read the cell data (ignore cell styles, etc), set the reader method setReadDataOnly to true. The generated file from the tutorial Create Xlsx Files With Different Cell Background Colors will be used as a sample xlsx file for this tutorial. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { […]

  • Create Excel Files With Different Cell Background Colors In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    Create an xlsx file and change the default cell white background color to a different one. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer install command line Step 3. Create a new PHP file, and start coding. <?php // […]

  • Read Excel Files In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet’s IOFactory Class

    Aside from it’s specified xlsx reader class, the IOFactory class can also create a reader, this is more handy if there are different file types to handle, as it can create a reader for all the supported files, thus using a particular reader for a particular supported file is not needed anymore. Requirements: Composer PHP […]

  • Identify File Types

    In cases the file is yet to be identified, the method IOFactory::identify() can be used to automatically identify a file type. The file type is needed to instantiate the reader object. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer […]

  • Read Excel Files In PHP Using PHPSpreadSheet

    Using the generated xlsx file from the tutorial Create Xlsx Files as a sample file, learn how to read xlsx files using PhpSpreadsheet in this tutorial. Requirements: Composer PHP 7.2 or newer Step 1. Setup dependencies. { “require”: { “phpoffice/phpspreadsheet”: “^1.3” } } composer.json Step 2. Install phpspreadsheet. $ composer install command line Step 3. […]